Frequently Ask Questions
The Hypnotic State Of Mind Has Been Around Since Humans Has Evolved Enough To Reason. When We Are Focused And Concentrating On Something (A TV Or Campfire For Instance) Our Brain Frequency Drops Down To Alpha Frequency. At This Level Our Minds Are Suggestable.
No, You Will Be Neither. You Will Simply Be In A State Of Focused Concentration.
No. Since You Are Never Asleep Or Unconscious You Will Always Be In Control.
No, Not Unless You Want To.
What are the benefits of an online hypnosis sessions
Can have hypnosis sessions when traveling like on a business trip.
Client saves money.
Client may be more hypnotizable and go deeper because she/he is feeling safe because of the home environment or because of distance from the hypnotist.
Can adjust the room temperature according to what she/he wants rather than what the hypnotist wants (but if too warm may increase the likelihood that she will go to sleep).
Less likely to react to smells or chemicals that she may have reacted to in the hypnotist’s office.
The practice of hypnosis by non-licensed professionals may be illegal in the client’s state or country so access is limited, but she can access services from an out of state hypnosis professional.
Experiencing the transformation in the home may better enable the client to continue to experience the positive effect of the session (state learning)
Your client does not have to get up and go right after the session they can just sit there and process for a while.
Greater convenience for clients because they don’t have to travel.
Saves time because of not having to travel to appointments. (No such thing as distance)
Sessions may be more accessible because there may be no hypnotists in their area.
May feel more able to self-disclose because of distance.
May feel more able to self-disclose when in a familiar home environment.
Weather is not a factor unless it affects the Internet connection.
Some clients cannot leave their homes, and online hypnosis enables them to have sessions.
Some clients are so introverted or shy they will not have sessions if they have to look a hypnotist in the face in the same room.
May be fearful of being alone in a room with someone of the opposite gender.
May not be able to have sessions because of transportation issues such as not having a car or unwilling to drive.
May be better able to schedule sessions with a busy hypnotist when they don’t have to factor in travel time.